Wallpaper Wednesday - Nursery

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, let me tell you - wallpaper has made a major comeback. MAJOR! And let me tell you, I’m here for it!

But this isn’t your grandma’s wallpaper. Nope. (Though I bet you could find it in a Grand Millenial collection somewhere…) The range of wallpaper designs available is truly staggering! You want geometric? Take your pick! Textured? Got em! Florals? Check! Cartoon characters, tie dye, sports teams…? Yes, yes, and yes! There are even sites that allow you to upload your own personal design and have it printed into full-on wallpaper (I cannot vouch for this option because if you have seen my drawing skills you will know that I have no business covering any wall in anything of my own creation)!

Wallpaper now comes in both the traditional glue variety and peel-and-stick. Most of the higher end wallpapers require adhesive (i.e. commitment) but there are so many beautiful, affordable peel-and-stick options available that both renters and commitment-phobes alike have no reason not to give it a shot!

This summer, I will be doing a series of Wallpaper Wednesdays - sharing some of my favorite wallpapers, representing a variety of styles, for different areas of the home with a new blog post each Wednesday. For this series I will focus on peel-and-stick options as they are typically the most affordable and can be used by most people in most living situations. This week, may I present…


There is something about babies that makes you want to buy all of the cute things. Think about the last time you went into a children’s store and saw something incredibly soft and cute. Didn’t you immediately try to think of someone you know who is having a baby just so you could buy it? No? Just me? Hmmm… To me, these wallpaper prints are the same way. They are so sweet and cute that I instantly start thinking of how I would decorate a nursery. And no, no more babies for me!

Remember that pattern can be overwhelming. If you see a wallpaper you love but feel like it would be overwhelming in the space, there are other options for incorporating the pattern without covering every surface in wallpaper. Try wallpapering the ceiling, an accent wall, above board and batten, the inside of a closet, etc. There is no rule that says wallpaper has to cover the entire room and if there was a rule that said that, I would encourage you to break that rule!

*Let me also say that when some of the wallpapers are listed under the categories of “girl” or “boy”, this is not an expression of my personal beliefs on gender roles, societal norms, gender identity, etc. However, as someone who is not too far removed from pregnancy or having a newborn, I realize that there are still pressures to lean toward traditional “girly” or “boyish” designs and colors, especially when it comes to babies. Therefore, do not take this as me furthering societal gender stereotypes, merely providing options that most people lean toward when designing nurseries. I encourage you to think outside the box and decorate in whatever way makes YOU happy!

Now that that is out of the way…

*See a wallpaper you like? Simply click on the photo to be taken to the site!

Gender Neutral


I recently realized that this is not peel-and stick but accidentally overlooked that. I also accidentally put this in the nursery post rather than the bathroom post where I originally intended to put it. But you know what, it’s so stinking cute that I encourage you to put it in your bathroom or nursery. Or both!


Which one is your favorite? Do you lean toward sweet or playful? Do these patterns give you baby fever too? (asking for a friend…) Let us know in the comments!

Come back next week for…Primary Bedrooms!

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