Posts in Before and After
How to Love Your Current Home

Now that interest rates are so much higher than in recent years and our local real estate market does not seem to be cooling down, more and more people are finding themselves stuck in homes that are seemingly less than ideal. That starter home many people bought with the intention of moving in a couple years is now becoming a family home that is bursting at the seams and has a whole new list of demands.

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2023 UpScale ReSale ReCap - Part 2

As I promised last week, here is a recap of how I repurposed, upcycled, and styled objects from the Habitat ReStore to be used in the UpScale Resale. If you missed last week’s post about the furniture I upcycled or what exactly the UpScale ReSale is, you can find it here. Let’s get started, shall we?

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2023 UpScale ReSale ReCap - Part 1

Over the course of the past few months I have given a few sneak peeks of what I was working on but now that it’s over I can give more details. For this particular post I will give a brief recap of the furniture found in the space and how I transformed them. Check back next week for information on the decorative pieces I completed!

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Organic Modern Kitchen

Most of us have something about our kitchens that we want to change. Some of those changes require a full gut renovation while others can be achieved through minor modifications. Either way, budget and functionality must be taken into consideration when deciding which changes take priority. Major change in appearance and functionality CAN be achieved without changing EVERYTHING!

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