Posts tagged modification
Why Aging in Place is Important NOW

Aging in place is a choice that offers a multitude of benefits, and interior design plays a crucial role in making it a reality. Your home can continue to be a place of comfort, independence, and beauty as you age. By creating a living space that caters to your changing needs and desires, you can enjoy the golden years in the embrace of familiarity and style. Aging in place is not just about growing older; it's about being comfortable and remaining true to yourself in the place you call home.

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Renter Friendly Design That is Actually Landlord Approved

In the past few years, more attention than ever has been given to renter-friendly design. As house prices have drastically increased, many people have found themselves priced out of the housing market and settling in to the renter life. And while a new home can be an exciting blank canvas for self expression, rentals often come with a laundry list of stipulations that regulate what a tenant can and cannot do to personalize their space. Luckily, there are several things that can be done to make your new house feel like home, no matter how long you plan on living there.

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